Web 2.0 and Entrepreneurship:  TalkTech 2011, 2012

TalkTech 2011 and 2012 focused on Web 2.0 start-up companies.  Students selected some of the newest and most promising Web 2.0 companies at the time, as identified at the O’Reilly Web 2.0 Expo Conference in New York City.(Wilson, 2011)  They evaluated their products and services and created a collaborative online presentation that provided an overview of the company, its target audience and business model, and predicted its likelihood to succeed.  Students also used screen recording tools to create a short video demonstration of their companies’ websites. To share their voice conversations and simulate presenting the slides together, students used VoiceThread, a collaborative platform for commenting on slide presentations, as shown in Figure 2.

Fig. 2.  VoiceThread presentations from TalkTech 2011 and 2012.