Moving to the Cloud:  TalkTech 2010

TalkTech 2010 took place at the beginning of the move of desktop applications the cloud. Online collaboration became a new way of working together. Students tested, and reviewed web-based collaboration tools summarized in Table 1, many of which are no longer available or have been replaced with more current choices.

Table 1.  Early Web-Based Collaboration Tools

Presentations 280slides and zohoslides
Screen Sharing Yuuguu, CrossLoop
Surveys Google Forms, SurveyMonkey
Editing, Google Docs
Annotation Diigo, evri
Brainstorming Mindmeiter, widea
Video Conferencing Dimdim, vyew
Scheduling Doodle, Meetingwizard
Project Management BaseCamp, Huddle
Note Taking Protonotes,
Image Editing Picnik and sumopaint

The deliverables remained the same as in 2008, though the project moved from Google Sites to ViCaDis (Diana Andone & Vasiu, 2009), a new online learning environment developed and managed by UPT. ViCaDis provided teams with blogging and file sharing capabilities and enabled the instructors to monitor each team’s progress.